Results for 'A. S. Aurora Hoel'

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  1.  35
    Curated Panel: ‘Genealogies and Apparatuses of New Materialist Production’.Aurora Hoel, Sam Skinner, Jelena Djuric, David Gauthier, Evelien Geerts, Sofie Sauzet & Maria Tamboukou - 2024 - In Felicity Colman & Iris van der Tuin, Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 105-136.
    This particular roundtable falls at the end of a four-year networking project (COST Action IS1307 New Materialism: Networking European Scholarship on ‘How Matter Comes to Matter’) and reflects upon the genealogies of new materialism and how these flow into the individual working practices of participants. The texts below were contributed remotely via email by members of the group, following face-to-face meetings in Barcelona, Maribor, Warsaw, Liverpool, Paris and Utrecht. Authors were unaware of each other’s responses and in this way the (...)
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    Image Agents.A. S. Aurora Hoel - 2021 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 30 (61-62):120-126.
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    Diaphenomenology: A Media Theory of Appearing.Aurora Hoel - 2024 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 33 (68).
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    Merleau-Ponty and the Measuring Body.Aud Sissel Hoel & Annamaria Carusi - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (1):45-70.
    In recent years a growing number of scholars in science studies and related fields are developing new ontologies to displace entrenched dualisms. These efforts often go together with a renewed interest in the roles played by symbolisms and tools in knowledge and being. This article brings Maurice Merleau-Ponty into these conversations, positioning him as a precursor of today’s innovative recastings of technoscience. While Merleau-Ponty is often invoked in relation to his early work on the body and embodiment, this article focuses (...)
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    The Ontological Force of Technicity: Reading Cassirer and Simondon Diffractively.Aud Sissel Hoel & Iris Tuin - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (2):187-202.
    This article contributes to contemporary philosophy of technology by carrying out a diffractive reading of Ernst Cassirer’s “Form und Technik” (1930) and Gilbert Simondon’s Du mode d’existence des objets techniques (1958). Both thinkers, who are here brought together for the first time, stood on the brink of the defining bifurcations of twentieth-century philosophy. However, in their endeavor to come to grips with the “being” of technology, Cassirer and Simondon, each in their own way, were prompted to develop an ontology of (...)
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  6. Thinking “difference” differently: Cassirer versus Derrida on symbolic mediation.Aud Sissel Hoel - 2011 - Synthese 179 (1):75-91.
    Cassirer’s approach to symbolic mediation differs in some important ways from currently prevailing approaches to meaning and signification such as semiology and its more recent poststructuralist varieties. Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms offers a theory of symbols that does not amount to a sign theory or semiology. It sketches out, rather, a dynamic and nonrepresentational framework in which an alternative notion of difference takes centre stage. In order to make the original features of Cassirer’s approach stand out, I will compare (...)
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  7.  16
    Ernst Cassirer on Form and Technology: Contemporary Readings.Aud Sissel Hoel & Ingvild Folkvord (eds.) - 2012 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Cassirer's thought-provoking essay Form and Technology (1930) considers the theoretical work performed by material instruments and, in so doing, it ascribes to technology a new dignity as a genuine tool of the mind in equal company with language and art. Germinating in this essay, we find an ambitious program for a new kind of philosophy of technology that resonates with contemporary approaches focusing on material apparatuses, relational and performative processes, and the embodied, embedded, and enacted nature of perception and cognition. (...)
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  8.  23
    What Happens Before Book Reading Starts? an Analysis of Teacher–Child Behaviours With Print and Digital Books.Trude Hoel, Elisabeth Brekke Stangeland & Katrin Schulz-Heidorf - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:570652.
    A body of research documents teacher–child reading behaviors in educational settings. Few will disagree that the potential for word and narrative comprehension increases when children’s prior knowledge is activated and when children’s focus is fully on the reading session. Despite this, little is known about the potential for establishment of joint attention and activation of prior knowledge in an early childhood education and care setting and how early childhood educators prepare young children to participate in shared book reading sessions before (...)
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    The Ontological Force of Technicity: Reading Cassirer and Simondon Diffractively.Iris van der Tuin & Aud Sissel Hoel - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (2):187-202.
    This article contributes to contemporary philosophy of technology by carrying out a diffractive reading of Ernst Cassirer’s “Form und Technik” (1930) and Gilbert Simondon’s Du mode d’existence des objets techniques (1958). Both thinkers, who are here brought together for the first time, stood on the brink of the defining bifurcations of twentieth-century philosophy. However, in their endeavor to come to grips with the “being” of technology, Cassirer and Simondon, each in their own way, were prompted to develop an ontology of (...)
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  10.  33
    The Early Husserl Between Structuralism and Transcendental Philosophy.Simone Aurora - 2019 - In Iulian Apostolescu, The Subject(s) of Phenomenology. Rereading Husserl. Springer. pp. 31-43.
    Phenomenology and structuralism are commonly understood as two opposing and largely incompatible schools of thought. Indeed, if the former is thought of as the philosophy of subjectivity par excellence, and the latter as the tradition in which the “death of man” is declared, it seems difficult to challenge the antagony between them. On closer inspection, however, it becomes clear that this picture represents an oversimplification and turns out to be, to a great extent, fallacious. The aim of this paper is (...)
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  11.  28
    Two open questions in the reformist agenda of the philosophy of cognitive science.Aurora Alegiani, Massimo Marraffa & Tiziana Vistarini - 2023 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 14:59-73.
    _Abstract_: In this paper we carve out a _reformist_ agenda within the debate on the foundations of cognitive science, incorporating some important ideas from the 4E cognition literature into the computational-representational framework. We are deeply sympathetic to this reformist program since we think that, despite strong criticism of the concept of computation and the related notion of representation, computational models should still be at the core of the study of mind. At the same time, we recognize the need for a (...)
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  12.  21
    «Debate del anciano y el joven» de Yisḥaq ibn Pulgar: ¿Torah versus filosofía?Aurora Salvatierra Ossorio - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e81774.
    «El debate del anciano y el joven» de Yisḥaq ibn Pulgar ha sido estudiado como parte de `Ezer ha-dat y en relación con la polémica religiosa que su autor mantuvo con Abner de Burgos/Alfonso de Valladolid. Pero la tradición manuscrita permite también el análisis de esta disputa como un texto que circuló de manera independiente. Desde esta perspectiva, se propone una lectura de esta versión que, atendiendo a aspectos formales y de contenido, ofrece nuevas claves de interpretación en el marco (...)
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  13.  31
    Dall’egologico al geologico: l’ecologia come filosofia trascendentale.Simone Aurora - 2021 - Philosophy Kitchen 15.
    The paper argues that ecology should not be understood as a sectoral issue, i.e. as the object of specific scientific disciplines such as environmental sociology, geology or biology; on the contrary, it is by very nature that ecology should be regarded as a large-scale matter consisting first and foremost in philosophical and political questions. It is the paper’s main objective to claim that there is no way out from the ecological crisis without a critical reconsideration of the dominant socio-economic structures (...)
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    “Mutual understanding” in Tatarstan?Aurora Álvarez Veinguer - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (2):240-257.
    This paper is based on ethnographic research conducted in Tatarstan between 1997 and 2000, during the process of ethno-national rebirth, when promotion of the Tatar language emerged as a key element of government policy. At this time, the linguistic landscape in Tatarstan was characterized by four distinct features which, far from being complementary, existed in a state of mutual tension: (1) a monolinguistic heritage, due to the historical dominance of Russian; (2) a claimed ‘bilingualism’ following the declaration of Tatarstan’s sovereignty; (...)
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    Reclaiming the Works of Early Modern Women: Authorship, Gender, and Interpretation in the Nouveau recueil de lettres des dames de ce temps (1635).Aurora Wolfgang & Sharon Diane Nell - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):1-16.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reclaiming the Works of Early Modern Women Authorship, Gender, and Interpretation in the Nouveau recueil de lettres des dames de ce temps (1635)1Aurora Wolfgang (bio) and Sharon Diane Nell (bio)Reclaiming the forgotten texts of women writers has been a major feminist undertaking of the last half-century. Indeed, believing in the importance of this sort of work, we have each spent much of our careers studying the women writers absent (...)
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  16. Territory and Subjectivity: the Philosophical Nomadism of Deleuze and Canetti.Simone Aurora - 2014 - Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):01-26.
    The paper’s purpose consists in pointing out the importance of the notion of “territory”, in its different accepted meanings, for the development of a theory and a practice of subjectivity both in deleuzean and canettian thought. Even though they start from very different perspectives and epistemic levels, they indeed produce similar philosophical effects, which strengthen their “common” view and the model of subjectivity they try to shape. More precisely, the paper focuses on the deleuzean triad of territorialisation, deterritorialisation, reterritorialisation, with (...)
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  17.  18
    An (Apparent) Exception in the Aristotelian Natural Philosophy: Antiperistasis as Action on Contrary Qualities and its Interpretation in the Medieval Philosophical and Medical Commentary Tradition.Aurora Panzica - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 29 (1):33-76.
    This paper explores the scholastic debate about antiperistasis, a mechanism in Aristotle’s dynamics described in the first book of Meteorology as an intensification of a quality caused by the action of the contrary one. After having distinguished this process from a homonymous, but totally different, principle concerning the dynamics of fluids that Aristotle describes in his Physics, I focus on the medieval reception of the former. Scholastic commentators oriented their exegetical effort in elaborating a consistent explanation of an apparently paradoxical (...)
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  18.  86
    From Structure to Machine: Deleuze and Guattari's Philosophy of Linguistics.Simone Aurora - 2017 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 11 (3):405-428.
    This paper aims to consider the main features of the philosophy of linguistics proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, which emerges from the criticisms directed at what in A Thousand Plateaus they call ‘postulates of linguistics’. The paper focuses on the transition from the Saussurean concept of system and from the connected notion of structure to Deleuze and Guattari's concept of machine. More precisely, the purpose of the paper lies, on the one hand, in showing in which sense Deleuze and Guattari (...)
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  19.  5
    From the genome's perspective: Bearing somatic retrotransposition to leverage the regulatory potential of L1 RNAs.Damiano Mangoni, Aurora Mazzetti, Federico Ansaloni, Alessandro Simi, Gian Gaetano Tartaglia, Luca Pandolfini, Stefano Gustincich & Remo Sanges - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (2):2400125.
    Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile genomic elements constituting a big fraction of eukaryotic genomes. They ignite an evolutionary arms race with host genomes, which in turn evolve strategies to restrict their activity. Despite being tightly repressed, TEs display precisely regulated expression patterns during specific stages of mammalian development, suggesting potential benefits for the host. Among TEs, the long interspersed nuclear element (LINE‐1 or L1) has been found to be active in neurons. This activity prompted extensive research into its possible role (...)
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  20.  13
    Los efectos de la música en el libro VI del ‘De Musica’ de Agustín.Salvino Caruana & Aurora Campos - 2023 - Augustinus 68 (1):1-21.
    The article deals with Augustine’s De Musica, first of all highlighting the structure of the Work, and then focusing on Book VI, stressing its main themes. A presentation is made of the main texts in Augustine’s works in which music is discussed. Subsequently, the presence of the hymn Deus creator Omnia in the work of St. Augustine is explored.
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    The Slippery Slope of Prenatal Testing for Social Traits.Courtney Canter, Kathleen Foley, Shawneequa L. Callier, Karen M. Meagher, Margaret Waltz, Aurora Washington, R. Jean Cadigan, Anya E. R. Prince & the Beyond the Medical R01 Research Team - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (3):36-38.
    Bowman-Smart et al. (2023) argue for a framework to examine the ethical issues associated with genetic screening for non-medical traits in the context of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT). Such s...
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  22.  29
    An Integrative Breakage Model of genome architecture, reshuffling and evolution.Marta Farré, Terence J. Robinson & Aurora Ruiz-Herrera - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (5):479-488.
    Our understanding of genomic reorganization, the mechanics of genomic transmission to offspring during germ line formation, and how these structural changes contribute to the speciation process, and genetic disease is far from complete. Earlier attempts to understand the mechanism(s) and constraints that govern genome remodeling suffered from being too narrowly focused, and failed to provide a unified and encompassing view of how genomes are organized and regulated inside cells. Here, we propose a new multidisciplinary Integrative Breakage Model for the study (...)
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  23.  13
    Professional skills: an approach to training and development of writing in medical universities.Bembibre Mozo Dayami, Machado Ramírez Evelio Felipe & Pérez Téllez Karen Aurora - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (3):519-531.
    El término competencias profesionales se define en la actualidad, como la posesión por parte del individuo de los conocimientos, destrezas y actitudes necesarias para realizar su actividad. El actual estudio tiene como objetivo profundizar en el análisis de la literatura sobre las competencias profesionales con un enfoque de formación y desarrollo de la expresión escrita en las universidades médicas. Con la revisión documental, se corroboró que en estas instituciones, el tratamiento de los contenidos de los programas de las asignaturas, no (...)
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Alzheimer’s, music therapy & social work intervention.María Ángeles Cuadrado Cenzual, Gloria Peláez Escribá de Balaguer & Aurora Castillo Charfolet - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2).
    Retraction note: Cuadrado Cenzual, M. A., Peláez Escribá de Balaguer, G., & Castillo Charfolet, A. (2022). Alzheimer’s, music therapy & social work intervention. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities / Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(6), 2–11. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the journal. We believe that (...)
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  25.  19
    Enfermedad de Alzheimer, musicoterapia y la intervención del trabajo social.María Ángeles Cuadrado Cenzual, Gloria Peláez Escribá de Balaguer & Aurora Castillo Charfolet - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-11.
    A través del presente trabajo se aborda el papel de la musicoterapia en la enfermedad de alzheimer (EA) desde el ámbito del trabajo social. Para ello, se lleva a cabo una revisión bibliográfica y se identifican conceptos claves como musicoterapia, EA e intervención del trabajo social. La información recogida lleva a considerar la musicoterapia como tratamiento coadyuvante en la enfermedad de Alzheimer a través de áreas como la integración social, la autoestima, la comunicación o la reducción del estrés. Por ello, (...)
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    Commenti ad Aristotele nella biblioteca dell’Istituto Campana a Osimo: Umberto di Preuilly, Rodolfo Brito, Giovanni di Jandun.Aurora Panzica - 2022 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 63:243-270.
    This article concerns two medieval codices kept at the library of the Istituto Campana in Osimo that contain commentaries on Aristotle. The focus of the paper is the identification of a new copy of Humbertus of Preuilly’s Sententia on the Metaphysics, transmitted in manuscript 18.M.11, and of a new copy of John of Jandun’s Questions on the Physics, transmitted in manuscript 18.L.38. In addition, information is provided on two texts transmitted anonymously in manuscript 18.L.38, namely Radulphus Brito’s Questions on Aristotle’s (...)
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  27.  46
    Single Mother's Efficacy, Parenting in the Home Environment, and Children's Development in a Two-Wave Study.Aurora P. Jackson & Richard Scheines - unknown
    Aurora P. Jackson and Richard Scheines. Single Mother's Efficacy, Parenting in the Home Environment, and Children's Development in a Two-Wave Study.
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    Aurora borealis systems in the German-Russian world in the first half of the eighteenth century: the cases of Friedrich Christoph Mayer and Leonhard Euler.E. Chassefière - 2021 - Annals of Science 78 (2):162-196.
    ABSTRACT We are interested in the case of Friedrich Christoph Mayer, who in the 1720s, while at the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, developed a system of the aurora borealis, as well as a mathematical method for calculating the height of the aurora from the geometrical characteristics of the auroral arc. Mayer, encountering a major contradiction in his system which placed the aurora at the height of the clouds, whereas his mathematical method led to an (...)
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  29.  17
    The world behind the world: consciousness, free will, and the limits of science.Erik Hoel - 2023 - London: Avid Reader Press.
    From Dr. Erik Hoel, The World Behind the World delves into the quest for a theory of consciousness that will trigger a paradigm shift in neuroscience and beyond.
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  30.  11
    Aurora Corti, L’Adversus Colotem di Plutarco. Storia di una polemica filosofica.James Warren - 2015 - Philosophie Antique 15:283-286.
    Recent years have seen the publication of a number of significant studies of Plutarch’s Adversus Colotem. The Adv. Col. has always been of interest, of course, as a source for Presocratic philosophers and also the philosophy of the Hellenistic Epicureans, Cyrenaics, and Academics. But in these recent studies it has also been considered as a whole work in its own right, with critics and interpreters becoming increasingly interested not just in looking through Plutarch to access a Hellenistic o...
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    L'aurora della psicologia morale. La psicologia morale di Nietzsche e alcune recenti indagini empiriche.Francesco Margoni - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (2):164-176.
    Riassunto: Questo lavoro mira a un confronto tra la psicologia morale di Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche e l’approccio socio-intuizionista al giudizio morale proposto da Jonathan Haidt. Questo confronto metterà in luce somiglianze notevoli tra i due modelli. Il lavoro intende inoltre chiarire quali implicazioni Nietzsche trae dalla sua descrizione della psicologia umana e quali cambiamenti di prospettiva egli esorta a operare rispetto alla comprensione di noi stessi come “esseri morali”. Parole chiave: Giudizio morale; Sviluppo morale; Intuizionismo; Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche; Jonathan Haidt (...)
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  32.  22
    From laboratory to mountaintop: Creating an artificial aurora in the late nineteenth century.Fiona Amery - 2024 - History of Science 62 (4):591-623.
    There existed a tradition of mimetic experimentation in the late nineteenth century, whereby morphologists sought to scale down sublime natural phenomena to tabletop devices in the laboratory. Experimenters constructed analogs of the aurora, attempting to replicate the colors and forms of the phenomenon with discharge tube experiments and electrical displays, which became popular spectacles at London’s public galleries. This paper analyses a closely allied but different kind of imitation. Between 1872 and 1884, Professor Karl Selim Lemström (1838–1904) attempted to (...)
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  33.  23
    Une nouvelle rédaction des Questions sur les Météorologiques de Nicole Oresme.Aurora Panzica - 2015 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 57:257-264.
    The aim of this paper is to show that the anonymous Questiones in Meteorologica in the manuscript München, Staatsbibliothek, Clm 4375, ff. 19ra-46r, should be attributed to Nicole Oresme. These Questiones, together with those of the manuscript Darmstadt, Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek, Hs. 2197, ff. 58r-98r, prove the existence of an older and more interesting version of Nicole Oresme's Questiones in Meteorologica.
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  34.  26
    NOW. THEN. TOMORROW.In Memory of Grace Lee Boggs.Aurora Esperanza Harris - 2016 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 52 (2):188-191.
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    Albert of Saxony’s Questions on Meteorology : Introduction, Study of the Manuscript Tradition and Edition of Book I-II. 2.Aurora Panzica - 2019 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 86 (1):231-356.
    Cet article présente la première édition critique des Questions sur les Météorologiques d’Albert de Saxe. L’édition, qui couvre le premier et le début du deuxième livre des Questions, est précédée par une introduction historique et philologique. La première partie de cet article étudie les Questions d’Albert de Saxe dans leurs relations avec d’autres Questions sur les Météorologiques rédigées par des maîtres parisiens du xiv e siècle. La deuxième partie contient les descriptions des manuscrits qui transmettent le texte d’Albert et étudie (...)
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    (2 other versions)Henricus Totting de Oyta’s and Nicole Oresme’s Commentaries on Meteorology: Some New Identifications in Eastern Europe.Aurora Panzica - 2020 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 62:195-211.
    This article draws attention to two newly identified manuscipts transmitting Henricus Totting de Oyta’s Expositio in Meteorologica: ms. Praha, Národní Knihovna Ceské Republiky VIII.E.6 and ms. Krak...
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    El ‹‹volver›› de la Aurora: sobre el dolor del amor y el conocimiento.Lorena Rojas Parma - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 41 (2):227-245.
    This article proposes a study on love as an ambivalent experience that incorporates, along with the pleasant, essentially pain, and whose experience requires preparation and self-knowledge. To do this, I have taken as a starting point fragment 130 of sappho and the Platonic notion of soul of Phaedrus, to culminating in a reconsideration of pain as a necessary experience that allows the understanding of what sappho’s calls “bittersweet” love. The erotic suffering is considered in two ways: from the deep pain (...)
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  38.  12
    A Semiotic Reading of Aron Gurwitsch’s Transcendental Phenomenology.Simone Aurora - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (1):1.
    The aim of the paper is to show the relevancy of Aron Gurwitsch’s transcendental-phenomenological theory of the field of consciousness for semiotics and the theory of meaning. After a brief biographical introduction, the paper will focus upon the key theoretical points that define Gurwitsch’s theory of the field of consciousness and will consider some of Gurwitsch’s reflections on linguistic and semiotic issues. Finally, it will be shown that the latter are strictly connected with Gurwitsch’s general philosophical framework and, accordingly, that (...)
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    The law and ethics of medical research: international bioethics and human rights.Aurora Plomer - 2005 - Portland, Or.: Cavendish.
    This book examines the controversies surrounding biomedical research in the twenty-first century from a human rights perspective, analyzing the evolution and ...
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    From knowledge to violence: the epistemic dimension of sexual violence testimony.Aurora Georgina Bustos Arellano - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 66:289-310.
    The aim of this article is to highlight the epistemic dimension present in the testimony of victims of sexual violence, which takes place through various mechanisms of epistemic injustice, whether testimonial or hermeneutic. In order to show the effects of the relation between epistemic wrongs and sexual violence, I focus on some cases of sexual injustice in Mexican society which support the contention that the systematic recurrence of sexual violence and epistemic injustices lead to a particular form of epistemic dehumanization.
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    ARISTOTLE AND BIOLOGY - (P.) Pellegrin Animals in the World. Five Essays on Aristotle's Biology. Translated by Anthony Preus. Pp. vi + 324. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2023. Cased, US$95. ISBN: 978-1-4384-9147-9. [REVIEW]Aurora Yu - 2024 - The Classical Review (2):420-422.
  42.  20
    Safeguarding the Therapeutic Alliance: Managing Disaffiliation in the Course of Work With Psychotherapeutic Projects.Aurora Guxholli, Liisa Voutilainen & Anssi Peräkylä - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:596972.
    Therapeutic alliance is a central concept in psychotherapeutic work. The relationship between the therapist and the patient plays an important role in the therapeutic process and outcome. In this article, we investigate how therapists work with disaffiliation resulting from enduring disagreement while maintaining an orientation to the psychotherapeutic project at hand. Data come from a total of 18 sessions of two dyads undergoing psychoanalytic psychotherapy and is analyzed with conversation analysis. We found that collaborative moves deployed amidst enduring disagreement can (...)
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    The organizer formation: Two molecules are better than one.Aurora Lombardo - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (4):267-270.
    A recent paper by Watabe et al.(1) describes the identification, in the promoter region of the organizer‐specific gene goosecoid, of two distinct growth factor responsive elements that are required for the regulation of this gene both in vitro and in vivo. This is an important finding since it provides molecular evidence in support of the recently proposed model in which the production of dorsal type mesoderm is thought to require a synergistic interaction between a general mesoderm inducing factor and a (...)
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  44. A Forgotten Source in the History of Linguistics: Husserl's Logical Investigations.Simone Aurora - 2015 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 11.
    In appearance, Husserl’s writings seem not to have had any influence on linguistic research, nor does what the German philosopher wrote about language seem to be worth a place in the history of linguistics. The purpose of the paper is exactly to contrast this view, by reassessing both the position and the role of Husserl’s early masterpiece — the Logical Investigations — within the history of linguistics. To this end, I will focus mainly on the third (On the theory of (...)
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  45. Quién es Frantz Fanon en Martinica?Margarita Aurora Vargas Canales - 2018 - In Margarita Vargas Canales, Guerrero de silicio: ecos a la obra de Frantz Fanon. Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe.
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  46. Una ontología histórica de lo político: Michel Foucault.María Aurora Romero - 2010 - A Parte Rei 72:3.
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    Reality monitoring judgments of other people’s memories.Marcia K. Johnson & Aurora G. Suengas - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (2):107-110.
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    Human Rights and the New Corporate Accountability: Learning from Recent Developments in Corporate Criminal Liability. [REVIEW]Aurora Voiculescu - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (2):419 - 432.
    The 3rd Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations appears to have generated significant consensus around its approach to business and human rights. This state of harmony relies mainly upon a narrow mandate limiting the endeavour largely to a mapping exercise. It also relies upon a process of 'operationalisation' that is yet to be undertaken despite the recent release of a 4th Report. After a brief presentation of the main parameters of the framework proposed by (...)
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    The dilemma of technological choice in India: The case of the small tractor. [REVIEW]G. S. Aurora & Ward Morehouse - 1974 - Minerva 12 (4):433-458.
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    Abilità e meriti delle donne: le scrittrici rinascimentali nell’opera di Cristoforo Bronzini.Aurora Gaia Di Cosmo - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:41-46.
    All’interno del dialogo _Della Dignità e Nobiltà delle Donne _(1622), Cristoforo Bronzini afferma con decisione che numerose donne nel corso della storia si sono distinte nell’ambito della scrittura, a dispetto di obsoleti pregiudizi: l’articolo si propone di indagare le modalità con le quali Bronzini declina il paradigma della differenza di genere, offrendo nello specifico una breve panoramica sulle scrittrici umanistico-rinascimentali che l’autore propone come massimi _exempla_ _virtutis_.
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